Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Last Week at the CCM

With my companion, a runner from New Mexico.

 Pointing to my mission in Peru.

 My district.

This is the courtyard that is between all the buildings. In the back is the cafetieria on the right and the auditorium in the same building and on the left is the admin building. There is also the class room that I spend all day in.

This is a Elder Andersen from Nashville. He is in my district and lived in May Hall last year. I saw him around but never talked to him or anything.  Now we're great friends.

Friday, August 1, 2014

A Few More Addresses

Tanner will leave the MTC (otherwise known as the CCM down in Peru) in 2 more weeks.  After that, you can mail letters and packages to his mission home in Chiclayo.  Here it is:

Elder Tanner McRae Lewis
Peru Chiclayo Mission
Calle Los Alamos 128
Urb. Santa Victoria
Chiclayo, Lambayeque

Of course, the Pouch system still works great.  You can only send a single page letter, but it gets there much faster and more reliably.  Use regular postage because it's just going to SLC and then they take care of the rest!
Address is:

Elder Tanner McRae Lewis
Peru Chiclayo Mission
POB 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150

Lastly, his email address is the easiest by far: