Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Best Two Years Movie

Here's the video Tanner was talking about.  If you've ever wondered what an LDS missionary does for 2 years, here's a good idea.

Tanner also added, "Tell everyone to read Alma 17 through 19 and look for ways to be a missionary to serve!"

Independence Day and A Field Trip to Carnal

 Here are some soccer jerseys we got at some garages on our P-day. (P-day stands for Preparation Day.  It's the one day we get off from classes to take care of laundry, shopping etc...)The Barcelona, Manchester and Dutch ones are mine.

 On the bus to go proselyting.  Super nervous because my companion for the day knows zero Spanish.

 Peru Independence Day with my district and teacher.

 The big famous temple in the background

 This was the road at times we drove on in these huge tour busses. We drove through the jungle, crossed a river, and drove on this cliff next to the ocean which was on a massive sand dune.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

 July 1st, 2014
At the Atlanta airport, he met these other missionaries all going down to Peru.

 His Roommates at the MTC.

 Temple Day with his District.

In the front of the CCM (MTC for us English speakers).  His companion is from Farmington, New Mexico.  

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Elder Lewis's Mailing Address

So, you want to write a letter to your favorite missionary in Peru?  Well, here's where to send it!     

Easiest Method:  Email!

He gets to read this every Wednesday!

Go to the post office and buy a special stamp method:
MTC:  (Until August 12th)
Elder Tanner McRae Lewis
Peru Chicalyo Mission
Peru Missionary Training Center
Centro de Capacitacion Missional
Av. Melgarejo 159, Urb. Campo
Verde, La Molina, Lima 12

Pouch Mail Method:  (after August 12th)

Elder Tanner McRae Lewis
Peru Chiclayo Mission
POB 30150
Salt Lake City UT 84130-0150

Instructions for using the pouch:
     Lay the letter blank side down.  Fold the bottom of the letter about 1/3 of the way up the page and crease.  Fold the top of the letter to the bottom of the first fold and crease.  Secure the long side with 2 pieces of tape about 1" in from each end., but do not seal the ends.  Write your name and complete return address in the top left corner.  Affix first class postage in the top right corner.  In the middle, write Tanner missionary address.